It’s summer. You’re in the garden, you’re at the beach, you’re on the soccer field, you’re sipping wine on a patio. Wherever you are, you’re likely soaking up the sun.
So, with that in mind, I’m here’s a quick DIY to help your skin recover just in case you’ve maybe stayed out a bit too long. 😉
This After Sun Spray is my favorite! It’s easy to make, cool and refreshing for your skin, and healing as well. It’s made with just four simple ingredients – witch hazel, aloe, spearmint essential oil, and lavender essential oil. While all of these ingredients can be easy to find, I encourage you to read the labels carefully. I’ve seen many brands of witch hazel that include other ingredients such as stabilizers and fragrances. The same is true of aloe. Your aloe should not be green. It comes out of the aloe plant as a clear gel, so if your aloe gel from the store is green, coloring has been added. Fragrance is often added to aloe as well. I like using T.N Dickinson’s witch hazel because it’s 100% witch hazel extract in alcohol, it’s affordable, and easy to find. (I usually buy mine at Target.) For aloe, I love this brand of Aloe Gelly and I like to buy it from Azure. For essential oils, I use doTERRA because I love the quality and purity of their oils and feel comfortable using them on my face and on my kids.
After-Sun Spray
2oz glass spray bottle
1 oz witch hazel (T.N Dickinson’s is easy to find and is 100% witch hazel)
1 oz aloe vera juice or gelly (I buy this brand from Azure.)
4 drops spearmint essential oil (peppermint or a mint blend work as well)
4 drops lavender essential oil
Pour the witch hazel and aloe into the glass bottle. Add the essential oils. Shake well before use and spray directly on face and skin to cool and moisturize skin that has been overheated or over exposed to the sun.